Real Female Pirates, Part 3
It’s been far too long since I’ve done a post on real life female pirates. So far, you can find info about Ching Shih, our Chinese prostitute turned pirate here, and Grace O’Malley, the Irish pirate queen here. Today’s post . . . (Read More)

Life Update
I’ve been busy this month. Unsurprisingly, most of it has been writing/reading related. I’ve been revising DAUGHTER OF THE PIRATE KING’s sequel like crazy. It’s so close to being done! The goal was to get it sent off to my . . . (Read More)

Getting Ready for YALLWEST
Who else is going to YALLWEST? Some of my favorite authors will be there, and I’m so excited to meet them! Namely, Mary E. Pearson Leigh Bardugo Marie Rutkoski Richelle Mead Simone Elkeles To properly prepare, I’ve been reading as . . . (Read More)

I used to think all I had to do was sell a book, and then I’d be set. If I could just get a publisher to offer me a publishing deal, everything else would work out on its own. I . . . (Read More)

Interview with Nicole Castroman!
I interviewed fellow YA pirate author, Nicole Castroman, regarding her debut novel, BLACKHEARTS. About BLACKHEARTS: Blackbeard the pirate was known for striking fear in the hearts of the bravest of sailors. But once he was just a young man who . . . (Read More)

February Pirate Book Releases
There’s a shortage of YA pirate books in the world. But I’m excited that there are four new pirate books (that I know of) coming out this month! February must be the perfect month for pirates because DAUGHTER OF THE . . . (Read More)

Writer’s Block
There are often days when I don’t want to write. The scene I put into my outline months ago is too complicated. It’s smarter than I am. I can’t possibly write it. And so the writing comes to a halt . . . (Read More)

Real Female Pirates, Part 2
Grace O’Malley was the daughter of the O’Malley Clan’s chieftain, whose holdings were located off the west coast of Ireland in the 16th century. Grace wanted to be on the sea from the time she was little. She . . . (Read More)

Real Female Pirates, Part 1
It bothers me when I hear people discredit movies and books because “women can’t really do that.” The phrase is usually in reference to women having impressive fighting skills, whether it be May in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Celaena in . . . (Read More)

Bad Guy Motivations
A few years ago I compiled a list of bad guy motivations. I’m now posting it here. Hope this helps others looking to write three dimensional villains! Remember, writers, villains need to be just as well-rounded as protagonists. They need . . . (Read More)
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