First Chapter Reveal
Exciting Things Coming Up!
A lot has been happening. Here’s a post to catch you up on things you might have missed as well as some information on new things coming up!
First off, the release date for DAUGHTER OF THE PIRATE KING has been changed to February 28, 2017—just one week later than the original pub date. My mother is very excited about the change in release date (it’s her birthday). There are several reasons for the change. One thing is that we’re revamping the cover. It will still go in an illustrated direction, but the design team is going to try and age it up even more (see my last post on how the cover came to be here). So while it’s always sad to have to wait longer for a book, I think the wait will be worth it. On top of the changes to the cover, the cover copy will also change. So we’ll have a new synopsis going live soon. No changes have been made to the words INSIDE the book. Only the packaging will be different.
In case you missed it, the daughter of the pirate king, herself, gave an interview over on Read Write Love 28. I think it gives some fun insight into Alosa’s personality. You can find that here.
Also, DAUGHTER OF THE PIRATE KING was selected by the American Booksellers Association to be an Indies Introduce title for winter/spring 2017. I’m so excited and honored beyond words. You can learn more about what this means here and see the other books selected. And here you can find the blurbs that various book store owners gave about the book. I’m so flattered and excited that DotPK is being spoken of so highly.
Now for upcoming things!
I have two exciting things coming up. First, there will be a first chapter reveal for DotPK. It will be revealed by A Perfection Called Books on September 29th at 1:00 PM EST. You will find it on their website here when the time comes. So excited for everyone to get to read it!
And second, I will be participating in a Twitter chat with Brittany’s Book Rambles on October 1st at 8:00 PM EST. You can participate, too! Follow the hashtag #BBTC (easiest way to do this is to get on Tweetdeck. From there you can follow the tweets and jump in with your own!). For those who don’t follow me on twitter, my handle is @tricialevensell (because there wasn’t enough room for the E and R).
Comment below if you have any questions!