What I’ve Been Up To
First off, there are fewer than three months until DAUGHTER OF THE PIRATE KING releases, and I could not be more excited! To celebrate, I’m hosting a giveaway on Twitter. You can check that out here!
If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve updated my website. There is now an EVENTS tab on my homepage, where you can find conferences, signings, and other events I’ll be at—I’ll update this throughout the year as more things come up. One highlight is the DAUGHTER OF THE PIRATE KING launch party, which will be held in Provo, Utah. If you’re in the area, I would love for you to join me for a night of giveaways, swashbuckling costumes, and piratey treats! More details here!
I’ve already commissioned my costume for the event. I cannot wait to wear this darling pirate corset! The only thing I need now is the perfect pirate hat to go with it! Oh, and I’ll be wearing boots and leggings instead of the skirt.
As for the writing side of things, I’m currently working on edits for the DAUGHTER OF THE PIRATE KING sequel. The series is only two books, so this is the second and final installment in the duology. The second book has a title already, but I’m not allowed to announce it yet. It’s somewhat of a spoiler if you haven’t already read the first book.
I’m still reading in my spare time. There are so many exciting books coming out next year that I’ve already had the pleasure of reading. You’ll want to put these on your TBR.
And then Emily King’s THE HUNDREDTH QUEEN (doesn’t have a cover yet)!
Sadly, I haven’t allowed myself to watch any shows lately. I tend to glue myself to the TV instead of doing my edits, so I’ve cut myself off for now. The fourth season of VIKINGS is just waiting for me on Hulu as soon as I finish these edits.
I was given an early Christmas present this year:
OVERWATCH on Xbox 1. Playing the game is my reward each day I get in my page/word count done.
I think that’s everything! I’m so looking forward to the holidays, and I really hope I get these edits done beforehand so I can properly enjoy them! Happy holidays to everyone and stay safe if you’re traveling (and safe if you’re not, too)!
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