Fierce Reads Tour

Have you visited my events page recently? I have a ton of new events coming up this year, and I want to make sure you know if I’m coming near you! Check out my events page here for more details. Below I’ll be posting the stops for the Fierce Reads Tour, which I will be a part of along with authors Mary E. Pearson, Maurene Goo, and Taran Matharu.

Fierce Reads tour

Schuler Books
Grand Rapids, MI

May 9
Red Balloon
St. Paul, MN

May 10
Boswell Books
Milwaukee, WI

May 11
Main St. Books
St. Charles, MO

May 12
Tattered Cover
Denver, CO

May 13
University Bookstore
Seattle, WA

May 14
Books, Inc.
San Francisco, CA

Please visit each bookstore’s website for times and details. Hope to see you on the tour!

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Brave Girls Tour

Erin Summerill and I are excited to announce the full line up for our #BraveGirlsTour! We will be hitting four bookstores in the Pacific Northwest as well as making a one-day stop for a comic convention! See the graphic below for details!

BG All Tour Stops

We’d love to see you! Come by to see us and get your books signed!

I will also be participating in the Fierce Reads spring tour, which is happening in May! The locations for that tour will be announced February 28th! Be sure to check my events page regularly for new stops!

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Preorder Incentive for SIREN QUEEN

I can hardly believe we’re only a month and a half away from DAUGHTER OF THE SIREN QUEEN’s launch! February 27th is just around the corner! That being said, I have goodies for those of you who preorder the book!

SQ Incentives

To redeem items 1 and 2 (bookmark and bookplate), send a picture/screenshot of your receipt to tricialevenseller@gmail.com. To redeem the exclusive chapter, click here! International orders may redeem all items, too, however, international orders will not be able to redeem the chapter through the link, so I will send it to you as a PDF when you request the other two items via email. This offer is only valid while supplies last! Shoot me an email if you have any questions. (IMPORTANT: OwlCrate subscribers check your email before redeeming.)

I’m excited to have you guys read Riden’s chapter! It’s the first chapter of DAUGHTER OF THE PIRATE KING told through Riden’s point of view, so you don’t need to worry about reading it before SIREN QUEEN. I hope it will be a nice teaser to hold you guys over until the next book’s release. I had so much fun writing it, and I hope you all enjoy reading it!

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I have fun things to share today! For one, DAUGHTER OF THE SIREN QUEEN’s cover has been finalized. I’ve been given permission to share the jacket art, so I’ll post it below for you to see!


And in keeping with tradition, let’s do our Can You Spot the Difference game! Below I have the initial DOTSQ cover on the left and the new cover on the right (or top and then bottom, depending on your screen size). I’ve found 5 differences. How many do you see?

DotSQ_first coverDotSQ Cover

Yesterday, I was sent the first version of the end pages for DOTSQ. If you’ll remember, in PIRATE KING, the end pages featured ship schematics for the Night Farer. I think you guys will be really excited to see the end pages for SIREN QUEEN. Sadly, they aren’t finalized yet, so I can’t share. But they are awesome and will be totally worth the wait!

For those of you who have preordered DAUGHTER OF THE SIREN QUEEN, hold on to those receipts! There WILL be preorder incentives. One item in particular is extra special and will be available to EVERY SINGLE PERSON who preorders the book. That will probably be announced in January after the holidays. If you go to the home page of my website, you can find all the preorder links! Or, if you would like to preorder a SIGNED COPY, you can do so through my local indie, The King’s English Bookshop, at no additional cost! All you need to do is when you go to check out the book, in the comment’s section, say you would like a signed copy. If you want the book personalized, specify that as well. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about this!

Now let’s talk about WOTW for a bit! For those of you who don’t know, I sold two new books to my publisher, which will release in 2019 and 2020. The first is a standalone YA fantasy titled WARRIOR OF THE WILD. It is a (very loosely) Viking-inspired story about eighteen-year-old Rasmira, who fails her coming-of-age test and is banished from her village as a result. With only two boys who were banished the previous year for company, she must survive the monster-filled wild and kill her village’s oppressive deity if she is ever to return home. Since some of you are wondering, no, this book does not have a love triangle. But because I can’t resist, yes, it does have a prominent romantic subplot.

Anyway, I’m really excited about the story. I have finished the first version of the manuscript and turned it into my editor. Just waiting on my edit letter before I can dive into revisions. If everything stays on schedule, this one should come out February 2019. We’re definitely hoping to stick to spacing out the books only one year apart. If you’re interested, you can add WARRIOR OF THE WILD to your TBR on GoodReads here!

Those are all the updates I have for now. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season!

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New Book Deal!!!

I have exciting news! I am contracted for two new books! The first will be a standalone. It is currently titled WARRIOR OF THE WILD, and it will release winter (Jan-April) 2019. The second is a to-be-determined book that will release winter 2020.

I’m very excited to share Rasmira’s story with you in 2019. Before it had a title, I’d been calling WotW my battle ax story. You can expect battle ax fights, monsters, and a scenery that proves to be just as dangerous as the creatures that live in it. There may also be a prominent romance, banter, and a lead who uses her wits as much as her weapon to get out of tricky situations. Here’s an embellished copy of the deal announcement below!

IG Deal Announcement

As for that to-be-determined book, it means that I don’t have to decide right away which of my ideas I’d like to do for that one. It’s a way for my publisher to get me on the schedule for 2020 in advance. But I’ll let you guys know what I end up doing for that when an official decision is made and I’m allowed to share it. For now, know that you can expect at least three novels from me in the future: DAUGHTER OF THE SIREN QUEEN in 2018, WARRIOR OF THE WILD in 2019, and a to-be-determined book in 2020.

For now, you can add WARRIOR OF THE WILD to your TBR on Goodreads here!

Thank you so much to my readers who are making my dream of writing continue to be possible! Starting Friday, I will officially be a full-time writer, and I couldn’t be happier!

In other news, once we get closer to the release of DAUGHTER OF THE SIREN QUEEN, I will be offering a preorder incentive. So hold onto those receipts if you’ve already preordered. In the meantime, here’s a fun image:

Dragon's Skull Flag.png

This is the pirate flag for the pirate king’s ship, the DRAGON’S SKULL. You guys have already seen the flag for the AVA-LEE:

Pirate Flag pt1

Both of these gorgeous flags were made by the incredibly talented Elizabeth Anne Taggart. She can be found at ThatSnarkyDragon.

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For my first book, DAUGHTER OF THE PIRATE KING, we had to get the ARCs printed before the cover was finalized. I’ve done many blog posts showing the changes from first draft to final.

This is also going to be the case with DAUGHTER OF THE SIREN QUEEN.


This cover is VERY close to what the final will be. We are only making minor tweaks. But my publisher and I have decided to go ahead and share it with you, since everyone is going to see it once ARCs start circulating anyway.

So here it is!

DotSQ_CVR (1)

What do you think?

Also, you can preorder it now!

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | BAM! | Indie Bound | Powells

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